• To Restore Or Replace Your Roof

  • roof replacement

    Home ownership has many perks, but there are also a few pitfalls to owning over renting a home. When you own, you are offered complete autonomy over the space. While that can generally be seen as a good thing, homeowners are also tasked with repairs, often times costly ones, as a home goes through the aging process. Many homeowners will find themselves tasked with the job of figuring out if a roof should be restored or simply replaced. It isn’t always an easy question to answer, but there are a few signs that can point homeowners in the right direction.

    Small Leaks or Damage from Storms

    When you are dealing with small, centralized leaks or damage from a storm, you can probably get away with restoring your existing roof rather than springing for a whole new one. Experts advise, however, that homeowners think about just how long the leak has been a problem. If leaking is detected early on, it can be quickly remedied through restoration, but ongoing problems that haven’t been addressed may point to deeper damage. When a roof leak spreads or further deteriorates the surrounding roofing it is probably time to replace the roof.

    In the case of storm damage, it is important to have the damage assessed quickly. Homeowners insurance may cover the damage, but the homeowner is liable for limiting further damage through negligence.

    Widespread Wear and Tear

    Roofs take a lot of abuse. Sure, we generally don’t think about the roof often, as it isn’t something we see. Unlike unsightly flooring, or a poorly picked paint color, roofing isn’t something that stares us in the face every day, but it does take a beating from the elements. More often than not roofs will need to be replaced on all homes. When you notice widespread wear and tear it may seem logical to simply patch up the most pained areas, but experts actually advise against this course of action.

    Repairing a roof that has wear and tear can actually be more expensive in the long run, as roofers will likely need to come back over and over again to address wear in several different sections of the roof. In the case of wear and tear it’s probably best to simply replace the whole roof, or to roof over the existing shingles. Both will ensure a uniform roof and will even out wear and tear in the future.

    Heavy Leaking

    A roof that leaks heavily or in several different spots, is generally a roof that is ailing in a serious way. If you notice dark spots on your ceilings in several different rooms, it is likely that you have a heavy leak issue. In this case experts suggest taking off the existing roof and completely replacing it. Patching a roof in several spots is cumbersome, costly and, in the end, won’t look very good. Replacing the roof entirely also ensures you get to the root cause of the leaks and stop it at the source. Patches may work for a short time, but if the overall issue isn’t addressed you’ll need to revisit patch jobs, which can add up and be more expensive in the long run.

    To restore or replace a roof; that is often a question homeowners must ask themselves. While both methods have their merit, there are certain instances where replacing a roof entirely is simply a more cost-effective and efficient solution to the problem. Repairs are valid too, in certain circumstances. The best way to figure out what course of action would work best for you is to contact a qualified contractor.