• Should You Get New Gutters When Replacing Your Roof?

  • should you get new gutters when replacing your roof

    Gutters and downspouts are an essential part of the roofing system. In addition to keeping water from pouring off the roof’s perimeter like a waterfall, gutters, and downspouts are designed to drain water in specific areas to protect your home’s foundation and landscaping.

    5 Reasons New Gutters Make Sense When Replacing Your Roof Or During Repairs

    There are a handful of reasons why it makes sense to replace gutters and downspouts whenever you replace the roof or schedule significant roof repairs.

    NOTE: If your gutters and downspouts were replaced in the last 10 years or less, they probably don’t need to be replaced unless they’ve been damaged or poorly maintained (see #2). Professional roofing contractors can repair and replace roofs without removing or detaching gutters and should take careful precautions to protect them during the job.

    The gutters are (usually) as old as the roof

    In most cases, roof design and installation go hand-in-hand with gutter and downspout installation. If your gutters are original to the roof, they are the same age. The fact you are replacing your roof indicates the gutters are also at the end of their lifespan. 

    Also, once your new roof is installed, old or shoddy gutters and downspouts stick out like a sore thumb. Replacing them along with your roof provides a more uniform and clean aesthetic.

    The gutters help to protect the roof (so you want them to be up to the job)

    A roof replacement is a significant homeowner investment. Since the gutters help to protect the roof by draining water away from the edges of the roof, shoddy gutters compromise your new roof. If they can’t do their job, water pools at the roof’s edge and slowly wicks into the structural walls and attic spaces.

    In addition to shortening the roof’s lifespan, it also puts your home and your roof at risk for leaks, moisture damage, mold, mildew, or algae infestations.

    They haven’t been maintained properly

    Most homeowners get lax with gutter and downspout maintenance. Failure to clean and maintain them per the manufacturer’s instructions leaves them vulnerable to sitting debris and water, speeding up the corrosion process.

    Proper bi-annual gutter maintenance includes things like:

    • Sweeping or blowing debris out of the gutters.
    • Keeping the roof free of debris (since it will wash right down into the gutters during the next rain or wind storm.
    • Flushing gutters and downspouts with a water hose to free them of residual debris and ensure they’re draining water efficiently. 
    • Inspecting them for any signs of rust, corrosion, significant dents, or leaks.

    If your gutters look worse for wear (see next), it’s worth replacing them. Most roofers offer some type of maintenance membership plan or can set up routine roof inspections, including gutter and downspout flushing that protects the integrity of the gutters and your new roof – and keeps you safe since you won’t have to get up on your roof to do the work!

    There are obvious signs gutters need help

    Some of the most common signs that gutters are ready to retire include:

    • Visible gaps or separations between gutter sections.
    • Peeling paint or rust.
    • Standing water or mold (this means they aren’t draining properly)
    • Holes or cracks.
    • Significant dents.
    • Notable sagging.
    • Overflowing water (poorly designed gutters, or gutters that are too small for the roof, may still overflow – even when they’re clean).
    • Soil erosion or foundation damage.
    • Unexplained nails or screws around the house perimeter (this may be a sign your gutters are working their way loose from the roof edge).

    Any of these signs means your gutters need help, even if they don’t need to be replaced. Your roofer will let you know during their roof inspection

    Your landscaping may have changed over the years

    Well-designed and maintained gutters not only protect your roof. They also protect the home’s foundation and landscaping by directing water further away from the base of the house. However, over the years, your landscaping plans may have changed. 

    If old gutters flood the new landscaping, you’ll experience soil erosion and plant thinning. Or, you’ll notice your plants aren’t thriving the way they should, despite doing “all the right things.” If your gutters are in good shape but the downspouts aren’t directing the water into suitable locations, we’ll discuss your options. You may just need to replace the downspouts; we can also help you with that.

    Central Bay Roofing Provides Honest Roof And Gutter Replacement

    Central Bay Roofing has provided honest and trustworthy roof and gutter replacements for Bay Area homes and businesses for more than 40 years. That longevity is a testament to the fact that we don’t upsell or force business on our customers. We give them accurate assessments of their roofs, gutters, and downspouts and only recommend replacement when necessary.

    Are you debating about whether you should get new gutters when replacing your roof? Schedule a free estimate with Central Bay Roofing, and we’ll give you an honest answer.